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With a lot of these videos being uploaded to YouTube, there are some that are very hard to watch due to poor video recording practices. There are some videos that are filled with constant talk of how "instructive" the video is, yet at the same time you cannot understand what is said due to poor recording, or no microphone at all.

So first you want to find out if there is an ability for them to reach out first on Facebook or Twitter on their personal account or their school's page; then email them first. If you get no reply, then give them a call.

If you do not have their information, approach them in person in a calm manner to ask for it. If they still say no, but they are interested in being interviewed or want to help in some other way, offer them an interview for The Skribbler. If they say no again, thank them for their time and move on.

It is extremely important to get permissions consistently because you may get in legal trouble later on. If the school site does not have an official policy for obtaining permission, if it is unavailable or so on, try contacting the student newspaper editor-in-chief. If they do not respond or say no, try contacting your local newspaper or television station's newsroom.

Any photographs you take of people need to have a signed model release form from them if they are going to be shown publicly.


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