I love this book. I teach it in both my undergraduate and graduate classes. The text is very user-friendly. It's easy to understand for beginners since the author provides many examples and exercises of Arabic grammar, vocabulary, morphology, and more. Students of all levels will enjoy the book as they learn about Al-Malaika (angels) of Islam - who they are, their jobs etc." "Al-Malaika: The Angels" is a comprehensive guide on angels in Islam for beginners and children alike. It combines explanations of Islamic theology pertaining to angels with anecdotes from Muslim folklore that bring these heavenly beings into everyday life on Earth, such as how an angel helped a man find his lost car keys. The book starts with a basic introduction to angelology and then proceeds into more complex aspects of the subject. The author also discusses Islamic sects and Sufi beliefs about angels, and includes koranic verses and hadiths related to the subject. Mixed in with these discussions are stories of devotional miracles such as how a pious man was saved from a speeding car by an angel, or how an angel helped a person find buried treasure. These stories not only illustrate Muslim beliefs about angels, but also show how the faithful view them—as protectors who care for human beings on Earth, and as sources of guidance and support when in need. Since the book is intended for young readers, the author also included illustrations of angels. Al-Malaika: The Angels by Dr. Khaled Almasry is available in the following formats:
Al-Malaika: The Angels (English Edition) was published in 2006 by Dar Al-Heeya for Publications & Translation, Cairo Egypt . It has been translated into several other languages including Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Indonesian.
Commentaries on Malaika by Khaled Almasry are available at online bookstores such as Amazon
http://www.almasry-alyoum.com/article2185138. html
http://www.almasryalyoum.com/article2512097.html?page=1&rand=616567 http://www.almasryalyoum.com/article2548582.html
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